[SEMINAR] November 1, 2024 – Nikita Svetlichny – The application of simplified perturbation theory to signal distortion compensation in fiber-optic communication lines
We are happy to invite you to the next talk of Moscow Telecommunication Seminar which will be held at 17.00 (MSK, UTC+03:00), on Friday, November 1, 2024, in Skype.
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Title: The application of simplified perturbation theory to signal distortion compensation in fiber-optic communication lines
Speaker: Nikita Svetlichny, MIPT, IITP RAS
Abstract: Modern fiber-optic communication lines are characterized by increasing rate, power and range of signal transmission. These tendencies result in the growth of nonlinear impairments, which hinder data recovery from received signals. The algorithms of nonlinear equalization developed by the scientific community are effective, but they have high time complexity. That is why the task to build compensation methods, combining low complexity and acceptable accuracy, becomes more and more relevant. At the seminar, the speaker will give an overview of existing distortion compensation algorithms and will particularly consider the application of perturbation theory (PB-NLC) to solution of the task set. The performer will also suggest several ways to simplify PB-NLC. These ways are based on some notable analytical features of the tensor operator. The effectiveness of developed algorithms is confirmed by numerical simulations.
Bio: In June 2024, Nikita Svetlichny defended his bachelor’s diploma which was entitled “Fast algorithms of nonlinear distortion compensation in a fiber-optic communication line with the usage of low-rank tensor approximations”. Currently, he studies on the first year of the master’s program at MIPT (Phystech School of Radio Engineering and Computer Technology). The speaker also works as an intern researcher in Wireless Networks Lab, IITP RAS. Since July 2023, Nikita Svetlichny has been carrying out scientific investigations under the supervision of Andrey Leonidovich Delitsyn, who is the Dr.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics.
To get more information about the seminar, please visit this page.