[SEMINAR] December 15, 2023 – Arseny Poyda – User-Centric RIS for Existing Cellular Networks

We are happy to invite you to the next talk of Moscow Telecommunication Seminar which will be held at 14.00 (MSK, UTC+03:00), on Friday, December 15, 2023, in Skype. Click here to show the seminar start time in your timezone. Join the seminar in Skype: https://join.skype.com/KuigY3FHOtE5.
Title: User-Centric RIS for Existing Cellular Networks
Speaker: Arseny Poyda, IITP RAS, HSE University
Abstract: Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces (RIS) is a new promissing technology that may increase the capacity and coverage of cellular systems by optimizing the signal propagation path. However, currently, the research community has no general agreement on a RIS configuraion method. Today, the most popular approach is BS-centric, which assumes that BS fully controls the RIS. The seminar will reveal the problems of BS-centric approach such as RIS configuration based on CSI and channel estimation procedure. It will also tell about the alternative user-centric concept and explain why it can speed up the implementation of RIS into existing cellular systems. Additionally, Arseny will describe how WNL team increased the throughput of a commercial off-the-shelf smartphone using designed user-centric RIS prototype.

Bio: Arseny Poyda received the Bachelor degree in applied mathematics and physics from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) in 2022, and is currently pursuing Master degree. He joined WNL in the Institute for Information Transmission Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IITP RAS) in 2020, and in 2023 joined the Laboratory of Telecommunications Systems at the Higher School of Economics. His research interests include MIMO, RIS, Channel Estimation and prototyping of wireless devices.
To get more information about the seminar, please visit the page.