5G Cloudified Architectures for 5G and beyond Systems
9 December, 2018 // Abu Dhabi, UAE
A major challenge for future wireless systems is the design of flexible network architecture, which can support an increasingly diverse set of applications and services with heterogeneous or even opposite requirements. Existing commercial wireless systems rely on closed and rigid hardware-based platforms both at the radio frontend and in the core network. Such an inflexible paradigm dramatically delays the adoption and deployment of new standards, imposes significant challenges in implementation and innovation of new techniques to provide new services, master new spectrum, maximize the network capacity and improve coverage.
Apparently, it is software-defined networking which can enable reconfigurable, scalable, low-cost, efficient solutions for enhanced mobile broadband communications, massive machine type communications and ultra-reliable low latency communications, which are the main three targets for 5G developers. Thanks to virtualization and network function virtualization, the deployed wireless system will be constantly ready for brand-new innovative solutions including those, which use emerging spectrum of THz or light communications.
This workshop aims to bring together leading researchers from both academia and industry, and to provide an opportunity to them to share their vision on 5G, its cloudified architecture and smart solutions enabled by such a new architecture, as well as performance evaluation methods and prototyping.
The topics of interest of interest include but not limited to
- Architecture of wireless networks
- Software-defined networking
- Network function virtualization
- Network slicing
- Traffic- and infrastructure-aware functional split on cloud architectures
- Tactile internet support on cloud environments
- Advanced V2X communications over mobile cloud architectures
- Cooperative transmission and reception in cloud RAN
- Dense networks and interference mitigation in cloud RAN
- New radio support in cloud RAN
- Traffic classification in cloud architectures
- Novel applications and services
- Cross-layer design and optimization in cloud architectures
- Interaction between applications and networking equipment
- QoS and resource management in cloud architectures
- Modeling and performance evaluation
- Implementations and testbeds
Important Dates
- Paper submission deadline: 15 June 2018
- Paper acceptance notification: 31 July 2018
- Camera-Ready: 30 August 2018
Submission Instructions
Submitted manuscripts must be formatted in standard IEEE camera-ready format (double-column,10pt font) and must be submitted via EDAS as PDF files (submission site: TBD). The manuscripts must be no longer than 6 pages. The Program Committee reserves the right to not review papers that violate these formatting rules. Submitted papers must not have been previously published, or be under consideration for publication elsewhere. All submitted papers will be reviewed and judged on originality, technical correctness, relevance, and quality of presentation. All accepted papers must be presented at the workshop by one of the authors.
General Chairs:
- Ian Akyildiz, GeorgiaTech, USA, and IITP RAS, Russia
- Josep Jornet, University of Buffalo, USA
- Dario Pompili, Rutgers University, USA
TPC Chairs
- Rui Aguiar, University of Avero, Portugal
- Oguz Sunay, Open Networking Foundation, USA
- Evgeny Khorov, IITP RAS, Russia